
Jeff Havens is not your typical business growth expert. His uncanny ability to provide actionable answers to today’s business challenges in an undeniably entertaining and impactful way has put him in front of over 1,000 eager audiences across North America and Asia. Delivering well-researched and relevant business insight is something a lot of keynote speakers do, but combining that with the entertainment value of a comedy show is not. Engaging, charismatic, and full of energy, Jeff Havens is the only business growth expert who provides serious solutions in a seriously funny way.

But even more than that, Jeff makes things easy.  All of us are constantly being asked to do more with less, so the last thing you need is someone to tell you how difficult your challenges are. Jeff has a unique ability to simplify seemingly complex problems in a way that will provide your audience with a fresh perspective, one that runs counter to the conventional wisdom of the business world. He’ll show you that we’re not actually creating a completely new type of person every 15 years, that being innovative is not something only a few special people know how to do, and that both exceptional leadership and exceptional customer experiences are built on surprisingly slender foundations. You will leave Jeff’s keynotes refreshed, relaxed, happy, and more confident than ever that you are prepared for the road ahead.

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Speech TopicsExpand each topic to learn more

Uncrapify Your Future!

Innovation is not a skill that only a few can master, and it does require a reengineering of your brain. It turns out that every innovation in every industry follows the same (unbelievably simple) process. Want to learn what that process is?

Unleash Your Inner Tyrant!

Sometimes it helps to see what bad leadership looks like in order to know how to be good leader. There's all kind of terrible leadership practices in here - but don't worry, there's plenty of good ones too. Ready to drive employee engagement through the roof?

Conquering Tomorrow!

Change can be one of the most frightening things in life. It can also be one of the best things that ever happen to us. And we usually get to choose which way it goes. Ready to approach change with confidence instead of concern?

US vs. THEM!

There aren't four or five or 68 generations in the workplace. We aren't inventing a new type of person every 15 years, and the differences between us are a lot less complicated than they may appear. Interested in simple, long term generational solutions?

Decoding Your Customers

The customer experience has evolved and will continue to evolved based on conditions rooted in basic human psychology. Understand that psychology, and you'll never waste time trying to predict how to prepare for the future - you'll simply know what to do. Eager to understand what every customer is really looking for?


Funny. Funny. Funny.
Jeff Havens was a phenomenal speaker to work with. His dedication to understanding the event and its cultural context, his patience and flexibility with our many rounds of script edits, and his cheerful responsiveness throughout, all gave our team a peace of mind that is rare in the lead-up to a major event. The resulting keynote he delivered was first-class – informative, witty, thought-provoking, and full of personal touches that made it truly resonate with our audience. We would recommend Jeff without hesitation for any type of corporate event.
– Racepoint Global
Jeff Havens is one of the freshest, most dynamic speakers currently on the speakers’ circuit today. His easy style and great personality make it a pleasure to work with him!
– Capitol City Speakers Bureau

Booksby Jeff Havens

Innovation Made Simple!

Unleash Your Inner Tyrant!

US vs. THEM!

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