What Makes a Great Coach? Insights on Leadership

What leadership secrets allow performers to stay focused and to the highest of their abilities while motivating the people around them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohFKqJRcA4U&list=PLXTlGHk63lLhUq_lEU1bnM3LbQgMfwD-u 👉 In our latest episode of ⁠The Keynote Curators Podcast⁠, we sit down...

Pushing Through Challenges Can Lead You To SUCCESS

The secret to success is not about being the strongest; it’s about never giving up, no matter the odds. 🙌 Have you ever felt like everyone else is breezing through in life, while you're just...

Illuminating the Path to Equality: Celebrating Women’s Voices and Progress

On Women's Equality Day, we honor not just a historic milestone but the ongoing journey toward true equality. ♀️ "Be the light that brings hope, and that accelerates progress towards an equal, sustainable, and peaceful...

Embracing Our Shared Responsibility on World Humanitarian Day

🕊️ Discover some of the amazing individuals who have dedicated their lives to causes that transcend national and cultural boundaries and who bring a unique blend of personal experience, advocacy, and compassion to their humanitarian...

Stop Stressing! Find Your Perfect Stress Management Style

✨ Eliz Greene addresses the complexities of stress management, highlighting the importance of recognizing and catering to individual differences in stress relief methods. Are you a border collie or an iguana? Eliz Greene addresses the...

Why Do People Get Harley-Davidson Tattoos? Building Unwavering Brand Loyalty

?️ In a world where brand loyalty can seem fleeting, Ken Schmidt, former Director of Communications for Harley-Davidson, offers a unique perspective on cultivating a passionate and loyal customer base. How can businesses build a...

Achieving 3 Daily Wins: Leadership Lessons with Lt. Col. Waldo Waldman

? Tune in my conversation with Lt. Col. Waldo Waldman to become the person that people count on for leadership! ? ⁠Decorated Fighter Pilot and Hall of Fame Speaker Waldo Waldman⁠ shares a powerful insight:...

Train Like You Fight: How To Take Pride in Your Preparation

How to handle unexpected challenges during high-stakes situations? Mistakes can be costly, but meticulous preparation ensures success in everyday tasks. ? Mary Kelly’s military background profoundly influences her approach to event planning, emphasizing rigorous preparation...

Honoring Memorial Day and Inspirational Veteran Speakers

?️ In this week's newsletter, we honor those who sacrificed and those who continue to serve us in special ways. As we commemorate Memorial Day this week, we honor the brave men and women who...

MPI’s World Education Congress (WEC) in Louisville, KY

? The Keynote Curators was thrilled to participate in Meeting Professionals International World Education Congress (WEC) May 20-22 in Louisville, a city known for its champions—the home of the Kentucky Derby and the birthplace of...

Creating a Sense of Belonging for Everyone at Events

✨ In this episode, Tavar James shares his vision of creative and strategic ways to engage with and amplify a brand's message, whatever that message is.  As head of events at ⁠BetterUp⁠, Tavar James⁠ helps bring...

How to Avoid Burnout & Stay Passionate in The Events Industry

Imagine a world where your event planning team remains energized and connected, no matter their challenges. In my conversation with Huong Nguyen, we discuss how to make it a reality! ?‍♀️? For Huong Nguyen, CEO...

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1. Schedule a call

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2. Book your speaker

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3. Wow your audience

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Blog Posts


The Transformative Power of Improv That Will Unleash Your Creative Edge

Have you ever wondered if the secret to true creativity lies in embracing discomfort? What...

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Start Risk-Taking Like a Poker Pro Now with Caspar Berry

Have you ever considered that the skills required to win at poker can also pave...

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Heart Health Mastery: Transforming Workplace Wellness from the Inside Out

Have you ever considered how your heart health directly impacts every aspect of your life?...

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The Roots of Authentic Leadership Start with Self-Discovery

https://youtu.be/NV6B5rkyLc8 Have you ever wondered why many companies struggle to cultivate true leadership among their...

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Unlock the Power of Friendship for a Healthier Life with Shasta Nelson

Have you ever wondered why true friendship remains the cornerstone of both personal well-being and...

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Cultivating a Confidence Mindset and Go From Chaos to Triumph

In today’s volatile environment, how can leaders transform chaos into a strategic advantage? The answer...

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