December 7, 2023

? As the new year approaches, I’ve started reflecting on the blessings in my life and setting goals for the next 366 days. (Did you know 2024 is a Leap Year?).

In addition to the good things in life, I also find personal growth reflecting on the challenges I encountered and the lessons I learned.

Reflection always makes me think of a body of water, and as I wrote this email, I was reminded of a quote from one of my favorite authors, Yung Pueblo:

water teaches four important lessons:
what you see is often what you project
what is soft can also be powerful
persistence can break barriers
change is always happening

His poignant words remind me how powerful self-reflection is, how courage doesn’t always come from a roar, how staying the course when times are tough can result in a beautiful ending, and that nothing stays the same for long. It’s through change – sometimes chosen, other times imposed – that we experience transcending growth.

It’s not always an easy process, but like a child whose bones lengthen and ache as they age, only change results in growth.

What Do These Lessons Mean to You?

Personal growth is an essential value to all of us. Here are some simple thoughts on it as we approach the year’s end and prepare to start anew.

  • what you see is often what you project
    There is no reality except the one held within us. We see what we want to see. The vibrations we give off attract similar people and affect our life experiences. If you think negativity all the time, you will attract disappointment. If you cast positive energy, you will be attracted to like-minded people who build you up. Seek to reflect the energy you want to receive in life.
  • what is soft can also be powerful
    The human voice is the most powerful instrument – a “mirror to our soul.” Your voice is your brand, and it is unique. When used wisely, even the softest voice can make the most significant difference. Speak up for what you believe in (especially yourself). Remember that it doesn’t take the roar of a lion to move a herd; sometimes, the gentle flutter of a bird’s wings is all it takes.
  • persistence can break barriers
    Strive to stay the course during obstacles, disappointments, and perceived impossibilities. Remember that a river reshapes rocks not because of its power but because of its persistence. Magic happens when you don’t give up. The universe loves a persistent soul.
  • change is always happening
    It’s scary thinking that the known will eventually end – jobs, relationships, living situations, life. Sometimes, everything has to fall apart for something better to be built. When change happens, step bravely out of your comfort zone, embrace your vulnerabilities, be comfortable being uncomfortable, let go of expectations (the stories we tell ourselves), accept what is happening, trust your intuition always, and embrace self-expansion.


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