Make Freelancers Part of Your Team

Being inclusive with freelancers creates a boost in innovation. Join this insightful conversation between Tim Sanders of Upwork and Seth Dechtman of The Keynote Curators as they discuss the importance of being inclusive with your...

Beyond Freelancer

Use Freelancers or Die Freelance opportunities abound. By some estimates, according to a study of 6,500 executives worldwide found that nearly 40% expected to increase the use of freelancers in the next five years. Opportunities...

Think Like a Surgeon

When it comes to FOCUS, you need to think like a surgeon. Meeting professionals are pulled in every possible direction. Learn from Erik Qualman as he discusses with Seth Dechtman of The Keynote Curators how...

Open Talent Ecosystem

Accessing top talent in key domains like design, computer programming, creative, analytics and more are found in the Open Talent Ecosystem. Tim Sanders of Upwork discusses with Seth Dechtman of The Keynote Curators the most...

Robotics, AI, VR or PASSION

Passionate robots don't exist. Algorithms, virtual reality, artificial intelligence cannot take the place of passion. Join this insightful conversation between Felipe Gomez and Seth Dechtman of The Keynote Curators where they discuss how to bring...

Be A Hero By Saying NO

Concerned that you are overreaching in what you can get done? It's a strength to say that you are "at capacity" and do high-quality work as opposed to saying, "I can do it all" and...

Advice to women: slay the dragon!

Ready to go ALL IN for your goal, your passion project? Resistance is the dragon. Slay the dragon! Suze Yalof Schwartz shares her entrepreneurial journey with Seth Dechtman of The Keynote Curators. Join their conversation...

Embrace the ‘NO’

When you are selling is your goal to get to YES? Stop forcing and coercing in sales and embrace the power of NO. Are your clients flexing their power? Join this insightful conversation on the...

Leadership In Uncertain Times

Do you know VUCA? A great method for leading in turbulent times. VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. It describes the situation of constant, unpredictable change that is now the norm of leadership...

What is Your Crisis Leadership Plan?

What happens when your communication breaks down in a crisis? Does your organization have protocols in place? Ret. Lt. Col. Robert Darling shares lessons learned from his time spent in the Presidential Bunker on September...

Are you a Robin, An Eagle, or An Owl?

A Robin, An Eagle, or An Owl? Learn from Erik Qualman what is the best time to focus during the day? Seth Dechtman of The Keynote Curators and Erik Qualman discuss the best ways to...

Be like Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein Floated in a Row Boat. Learn how to use Silence as the access to Finding Your Purpose. Join Suze Yalof Schwartz and Seth Dechtman of The Keynote Curators as they discuss how using...

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Blog Posts


The Transformative Power of Improv That Will Unleash Your Creative Edge

Have you ever wondered if the secret to true creativity lies in embracing discomfort? What...

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Start Risk-Taking Like a Poker Pro Now with Caspar Berry

Have you ever considered that the skills required to win at poker can also pave...

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Heart Health Mastery: Transforming Workplace Wellness from the Inside Out

Have you ever considered how your heart health directly impacts every aspect of your life?...

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The Roots of Authentic Leadership Start with Self-Discovery Have you ever wondered why many companies struggle to cultivate true leadership among their...

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Unlock the Power of Friendship for a Healthier Life with Shasta Nelson

Have you ever wondered why true friendship remains the cornerstone of both personal well-being and...

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Cultivating a Confidence Mindset and Go From Chaos to Triumph

In today’s volatile environment, how can leaders transform chaos into a strategic advantage? The answer...

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