
Dan Thurmon is the founder and President of Motivation Works, Inc, a company that helps leaders and their organizations move confidently through change and transformation, so they become, achieve, and contribute MORE.

His clients include Bank of America, Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, Honeywell, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft, Marriott, Microsoft, Procter & Gamble, Prudential, State Farm, and Walmart.

Dan is an expert speaker and performer. He’s delivered thousands of presentations across six continents for audiences including world leaders, Fortune 500 companies, entrepreneurs, educators, and even troops on the front lines of battle in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In 2011, he was inducted into the prestigious Speaker Hall of Fame — and is one of fewer than 200 living speakers to have received this honor.

Dan has served as the President of the National Speakers Association. During his tenure, he led the Board of Directors and the 3,000+ member organization through a critical transformation, which included new governance; new mission, vision, and values; higher member value; and greater financial accountability.

He is also a writer and content producer. He’s authored two books: Success in Action and Off Balance On Purpose.

Along with his speeches and books, Dan produces an ongoing, weekly video-coaching series and podcast in which he shares leadership principles and life-enhancement strategies in under three minutes.

Dan and his teenage daughter, Maggie, have become social media sensations on TikTok. Several of their videos have been viewed

more than 30 million times, and their personal channel has well over a million subscribers. Maggie and Dan’s creative and enthusiastic content resonates strongly with an audience that spans the world.

Dan built his first company, a live entertainment firm, in the late 1980s as a means of financing his education at the University of Georgia. There, he received his degree in Business. In the mid-1990s, Dan changed his firm’s focus, from live entertainment to corporate education, so he could more fully use his knowledge about peak performance and help businesses succeed at a much higher level.

He is a health and fitness advocate. In his 50s, Dan continues to train and perform advanced acrobatics, and enjoys hobbies such as golf, mountain unicycling and the flying trapeze.

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Positive CHAOS

We’re living in a time where “change” has become “CHAOS.” Events that seem unpredictable and out of our control can can environment of anxious overwhelming stress. Or, you can leverage today’s CHAOS into breakthroughs of understanding and exponential future results.

Dan will teach you the truth about CHAOS. You’ll gain insights and tools to transform your CHAOS from a negative state to a strategic advantage. Learn to see clear patterns in what now appears random, and take intentional action to shape them for your benefit!

– Understand and use the principles of Chaos Theory in order to take more confident action during uncertain times.
– Identify existing patterns within seemingly random or unpredictable events, or within consistent recurring similar situations and obstacles.
– Shape those patterns more intentionally to create dramatically better future results.

At the end of this presentation, attendees are more resourceful, confident and comfortable in the midst of change, for themselves and those they lead.

Off Balance On Purpose

The incredible challenges of COVID have impacted every aspect of how we live and how we
work. It’s now crystal clear that there isn’t a “work life” and a “home life.” You get ONE life, and
improvement starts with handling what matters most.

Dan Thurmon believes we set ourselves up for failure trying to “compartmentalize life” or
“achieve balance.” Balance isn’t what you get. It’s what you DO. When we recognize what’s
necessary and initiate meaningful changes, you are living Off Balance On Purpose. You are also
more successful, productive, and fulfilled.

This keynote will help you embrace lifelong learning and stretch into the next opportunity,
leveraging your past experience into present action and future success. Dan amplifies his
messages with exciting stunts and interaction, making the learning memorable. Your audience
will talk about this presentation for years to come!

As a result of attending this program attendees will:

Know how to act with confidence, even when it’s uncomfortable.
Have a model to align personal growth to professional excellence.
Feel more excited and optimistic about what’s to come, and their role in making it happen.

WORKSHOP: Off Balance On Purpose In Practice

It’s one thing to leave a keynote energized and inspired. It’s SO much more valuable, however, to IMMEDIATELY take action upon the inspiration! This powerful workshop helps attendees activate what they learned, leverage their newfound inspiration, and design improvement into their lives right away.

“Change is hard. Motivation is only valuable if there is ACTION that creates growth.
That is why I created this workshop – to help you deliver MOMENTUM for your teams.”

~ Dan Thurmon

Each attendee gets a workbook that becomes their personal blueprint for growth. Participants will be equipped to better integrate improvement into all aspects of their life, unlocking greater potential, capacity, and unique contribution. Enhancing personal performance IS the new corporate strategy. Adding this workshop to Dan’s keynote on the same day will reinforce and solidify this year’s goals for your organization. It will also equip a team to better align work and life.
Dan’s keynote teaches a proprietary model for work and life integration that aligns personal and professional growth. This creates a culture of connected achievers who tap far more of their “infinite potential” while inspiring others and achieving more.

Dan’s programs will:

- Teach the essential relationship between willingness, ability, and capacity.
- Show how time, energy, and resources are not fixed, but are fluid, and ever-expanding.
- Enable the audience to see themselves as capable of more, and up for the challenge.


Dan was excellent. He did a great job in delivering messaging that tied in directly with our theme and content, and was obviously quite entertaining along the way. I am thrilled to have had him as part of the program.
– Cathy Ward - Staples
Dan was incredible! The managers, staff and owner operators couldn’t stop talking about the session. The juggling, unicycle, acrobatics and the handstand on the podium were all tied to the learning. It was a home run!
– Jim Mulcahy - McDonald's
You are, without a doubt, the most memorable keynote speaker we've had in the past ten years – a span that covers more than 250 events. And equally important to us, you are the most professional speaker we've ever met. It was an absolute pleasure to work with you.
– Jack Mortimer - Government Technology Events
We just can’t thank you enough for recommending Dan Thurmon and for all of your assistance with our National Sales Meeting. He was positively phenomenal!!!!!
– Nihon Kohden
You challenged us to use our gifts, and to take action when we have the chance. On behalf of all 72,000 members of the Raytheon team, please accept my deepest thanks.
– William Swanson, Chairman and CEO, Raytheon Company
I have heard attendees say that you are the BEST presenter they have ever seen, and I have to agree! Your energy and enthusiasm are evident from the moment you take the stage, and it's infectious.
– Ellen H. Wentz, Deloitte
Dan was the perfect end to a very successful day. I'm still getting positive feedback on your message four weeks later!
– John Nyland, Managing Partner, IBM

Booksby Dan Thurmon

Positive Chaos

Off Balance On Purpose

Blog Posts

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