Make Pit Stops, Avoid Pitfalls

?️ Life is like an Indy 500 race.  For the driver, pit stops are critical, and timing is everything. The pit crew has to be so well choreographed that they get their driver back on...

TKC Podcast – Rich Bracken

Emotions Get The Best Of You? ?‍♂️ ???? ??????? has worn many hats, from emotional intelligence expert and award-winning marketing guru to acclaimed storyteller and self-proclaimed LinkedIn nerd. His role as a former meeting professional...

There’s no “I” in TEAM

⚠️ ????? ?? ?? "?" ?? ???? You want more from your team but cannot seem to get optimal performance from each team member. This is something I grapple with on a daily basis. Especially...

Zoom Fatigue

? ??? ????? ??? ???? ???????? Overbooked and overloaded with Zoom meetings can cause real fatigue. While working from home has long been a sought-after perk for some employees, a new reality of frequent online...

TKC Podcast – Felipe Gomez

??????? ??? ????? ?? ?????????? ??? ! ? "Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work." Wise words from Aristotle that still ring true. So, why do many of us still struggle to find...

AV Check Before a Presentation

? ???? ???? ???? ?? ????? ??? ???? ??? Thanks to technology, presentations are more engaging than ever before. Today, your audience can watch a presentation rich with interactive digital media that exhibits dynamic motion...

TKC Podcast – Lt. Col. Robert Darling

????????????? ??????? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????? ???? ?? ???????… ??? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ? Sometimes we get so focused on our organization’s daily operations that we forget the vital role of a...

The Key to Succeeding with Speakers

? ??? “???” ?? ??????? ??? ?? ? ????? ????? ???? ???? ???????? What’s the first – and probably easiest – step you can take to ensure your keynote gets off to a great start...

TKC Podcast – Kim Lear

?? ? ???????-?????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ???????? ?? ?????? What does it mean to grow older today compared to 20 or 30 years ago? Developments in science and medicine over the past few...

Green Room Essentials

✅ ????? ???? ?????????? Creating a quiet space backstage where your keynote can get in the zone before their presentation is an essential step in the planning process. Providing a concierge-level experience for your speaker...

TKC Podcast – Annette Gregg

? ????? ??? ???????: ????????? ?? ??????? ????? “??????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????????, ????????, ??? ?????????? ?????.” That’s the mission of meetings and events guru Annette Gregg, CMM MBA. As the former SVP of Experience...

Forced Reinvention

? ?????? ??????????? It’s time to disrupt aging. ❤️The old adage (no pun intended) "It's not the years in your life that count, but the life in your years" rings true as science advances and...

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Blog Posts


The Transformative Power of Improv That Will Unleash Your Creative Edge

Have you ever wondered if the secret to true creativity lies in embracing discomfort? What...

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Start Risk-Taking Like a Poker Pro Now with Caspar Berry

Have you ever considered that the skills required to win at poker can also pave...

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Heart Health Mastery: Transforming Workplace Wellness from the Inside Out

Have you ever considered how your heart health directly impacts every aspect of your life?...

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The Roots of Authentic Leadership Start with Self-Discovery Have you ever wondered why many companies struggle to cultivate true leadership among their...

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Unlock the Power of Friendship for a Healthier Life with Shasta Nelson

Have you ever wondered why true friendship remains the cornerstone of both personal well-being and...

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Cultivating a Confidence Mindset and Go From Chaos to Triumph

In today’s volatile environment, how can leaders transform chaos into a strategic advantage? The answer...

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